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Care and Care+


Apptimized Care is one of the Apptimized services that provides access to a store, where a user can track the version package of the application which is packaged according to a standard procedure and is ready for use. 

The latest application versions available for orders within 2 hours release of the update by the vendor, and ready for download within seconds after the request.   

Note. The "Updates" option appears in the project menu after it is initiated in the project settings by the project administrator. 

Apptimized sends the follow-up email when the user has accessed the Apptimized Care: 


Apptimized Care interface 

The Care is available under the Project menu > Updates 


Apptimized shows the following screen when clicking Updates button:

Care Table.png

The screen above shows the default Apptimized Portal interface when several applications are added. 

Care groups data into six categories: 

Table 1. Care data categories 




This category provides the details about the application’s vendor (e.g., Tim Kosse) 


This category provides the details about the application’s name (e.g., FileZilla) 

Latest version 

This category provides information about the newest version of the application released by the vendor and available in the Apptimized Platform. 


This category shows if Autopush is active.

Your version 

This category provides information about the latest version of the application that is pinned within the recent user’s activities in the Care page. 

The following colors are implemented to indicate the current state of the monitored application: 

Green.png - The latest version is available in the user’s packaged application portfolio 

Orange.png - The newer version (in comparison to the one a user has in portfolio) has been released by the vendor 

Red.png - The version a user has in the packaged application portfolio is outdated. This means that there are two or more recent releases of the application provided by the vendor 


Note. The application version can be pinned in the following cases: 
1. A user started the application package monitoring (Project menu > Updates option > Track updates button > Select the application > Save button) 

2. A user requested to process the latest version of the application (Actions column > Process version packages section > Select the Windows bitness > Select PSADT or Intunewin package > Download package or Push to SCCM / Intune > Confirm update software > Yes button) 
3. A user changes the version of the application package (Actions column > Versions button > Process package column > Select the application’s version > Download package or Push to SCCM / Intune > Confirm update software > Yes button) 
4. A user changes the version of the application manually (Actions column > Edit button > Your version field > Enter the numeric value > Save button) 


This category provides information on whether the Care or Care+ service is enabled. 

The following options are available: 

  • Care - indicates that Care service is enabled;
  • Care+ - indicates that Care+ service is enabled;
  • -  indicates that none of the services are enabled. 


This category enables a user to provide the activities under the monitored applications. 

The following actions are available: 

  • Process version packages for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit 
  • Versions 
  • Edit 
  • Untrack 

New request 

New package request 

The option to track an application package and add it to the monitoring list is available under the Track application button > Select the best matching application > Save button. 


Keyword search mode available. 


The application appears in the list of monitored applications when successful: 


Apptimized notifies the user when the request is submitted. The following screen provides an example of the notifications:


New application request 

The option to create a request to add an application to the Update monitoring list is available under the Missing an application? button. The Apptimized Team will check the possibility to add the application to the Update monitoring list. 


Apptimized shows the modal window when successful: 


Enter the value in the Vendor name field > Enter the value in the Software name field > Request button. All required fields are marked with an asterisk *.

Apptimized notifies the user when the request is submitted. The following screen provides an example of the notification: 


Apptimized sends the following email when the application can be added to the Care list of apps.


Apptimized sends the following email when the application can't be added to the Сare list of apps. 


Update the application’s version 

The option to update the application’s version is available under: 

  • Your version column > Click on the highlighted application version > Process package column > Select the application’s version > Select the packaging format > Download Package/Push to SCCM as Application / Push to Intune buttons > Confirm update software > Yes button). 


  • Actions column > Process version packages section > Select the Windows bitness > Select PSADT or Intunewin package > Download package or Push to SCCM / Intune > Confirm update software > Yes button) 


  • Actions column > Versions button > Process package column > Select the application’s version > Select the packaging format > Download Package/Push to SCCM as Application / Push to Intune buttons > Confirm update software > Yes button). 


Note. In the case of the packages are not available for a new update version for a time, Apptimized shows the following screen: 

  • Actions column > Edit button > Edit software modal window > Your version field > Enter the numeric value > Save button. 



 Edit monitored application settings 

The option to change settings of the monitored application is available under the Actions > Edit button. Apptimized shows the modal windows when successful: 


All required fields are marked with an asterisk *. 

The option to change the version of the application manually is available under the Your version field. 

The option to create the Apptimized packaging request for the monitored application is available under the Сreate package request on update option. The following options are available  




This option enables the Care service (see Care) 


This option enables the Care+ service (see Care+)  

 Care option is enabled by default. 

General Tab

Table 2. Packaging request 



Packaging technology 

This option indicates which packaging technology should be implemented by Apptimized specialists. 

The following packaging technologies available: 

  • Apptimized PowerShell Wrapper (based on PSADT) 
  • Intunewin 

This option is required. 

Both technologies enabled by default. 

Target platforms

This option indicates which packaging platform should be implemented by Apptimized specialists. 

The following packaging platforms available: 

  • Windows 10 64 bit 


This option is required. 

Packaging platform option is enabled by default. 


This option indicates the bitness of the created package. 

The following options available: 

  • x86 
  • x64 

This option is required. 

Both options enabled by default. 

Application manager 

This option allows to set up default user assignee for managing application (downloading, editing, deploying, untracking). 

Discovery document 

This option allows to upload the discovery document of the application provided by the Apptimized team. 

Note. The multiple-choice option is available in the Package types and Bitness fields. 

Updates Configuration

A user goes to Administration > Settings > Updates Sections

The Updates section in the Administration > Settings menu includes three parts: General, Intune, and SCCM. Below is a description of each section and its available options:


Table 3. Updates Settings





Configure general settings for updates and notifications.

  • Enable Updates: Enables the Updates feature for Care and Care+ applications.
  • Enable Vulnerability Notifications: Sends email notifications when application vulnerabilities are detected.


Predefine default templates for Intune Auto-Push Deployments.

  • Set default Intune Assignment Template.
  • Configure default Intune Template for streamlined deployments.


Predefine default templates for SCCM Auto-Push Deployments.

  • Set default Deployment Type Template.
  • Configure default Deployment Template SCCM application pushes.

The Intune section in the Updates settings allows configuring default templates for Intune Auto-Push deployments. Below are the available options:


Table 4. Intune Settings




Enable Auto-Push


If enabled, additional options for configuring Intune Auto-Push are displayed.


Intune Environment

Specifies the target Intune environment for deployments,


Intune Template

Predefined template for configuring application deployment settings in Intune.


Intune Assignment Template

Optional template for assigning applications to groups or users in Intune.


The SCCM section in the Updates settings allows configuring default templates for SCCM Auto-Push deployments. Below are the available options:


Table 5. SCCM Options




Enable Auto-Push


If enabled, additional options for configuring SCCM Auto-Push are displayed.


SCCM Environment

Specifies the target SCCM environment for deployments,


Deployment Type Template

Predefined template for configuring application deployment settings (e.g., installation methods, rules).


Deployment Template

Predefined template for configuring deployment settings (e.g., scheduling, user experience settings).


Intune Push Tab


Table 6. Push



Intune Environment

This option allows choosing an appropriate environment.

Intune Template

This option allows choosing created templates.

Intune Assignment Template

This option allows choosing assignment templates.


Enabling Auto-Push is available in the checkbox. 

Enabling Supersedence is available in the checkbox. 

Auto-push for latest version is available under "Install the latest version".

Apptimized shows the following screen when successful: 


App versions older than the current ones are cleared during the autopush process.

MicrosoftTeams-image (16).png

A "Create Assignment Template" button allows creating assignment templates:


Apptimized shows the following screen when successful: 


Editing of template is available:


Table 7. Editing Template



End User Notifications

This option allows choosing to show all toast notifications, show toast notifications for computer restarts or hide all toast notifications.

Delivery Optimization Priority

This option has two functions: "content download in foreground" and "content download in background".

Time Zone

This option allows choosing an appropriate time zone.

Application Availability

This option allows specifying when the app is downloaded to the user's device.

Application Installation Deadline

This option allows specifying when the app is installed on the targeted device. When more than one assignment is made for the same user or device, the app installation deadline time is picked based on the earliest time possible.

Restart Grace Period

This option allows starting as soon as the app installation has finished on the device. When the setting is disabled, the device can restart without warning.

Device Restart Grace Period

The default value is 1,440 minutes (24 hours). This value can be a maximum of 2 weeks.

Restart grace period will be Enabled by default. 

When installing the app, the following window will appear:


SCCM Push Tab

The SCCM Push tab allows users to configure settings for pushing applications to SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager). Below is a detailed explanation of the options displayed in the image:


Table 8. SCCM Push





SCCM Environment

Select the target SCCM environment, where the application will be deployed.


"Demo Environment"

Deployment Type Template

Choose a predefined template that defines deployment type settings, such as installation methods and rules.



"Demo Deployment Type Template"

Deployment Template

Select a template for deployment configuration, including scheduling and user experience settings.



"Demo Deployment Template"

Enable Auto-Push

Automates application deployment to SCCM without manual intervention.





Install the latest version

Autopush for the lates available version in SCCM immediately.




Enable Supersedence

Allows an application to supersede an older version during deployment.





Auto-Push Workflow 
  • When Enable Auto-Push is checked:
    1. The application is automatically exported to SCCM using the selected templates.
    2. You can specify whether the deployment applies to x86, x64, or both architectures (if applicable).
    3. No further manual actions are required for deployment initiation.
    4. Ensure that the SCCM environment and templates are properly configured to avoid deployment issues.
  • Use Case for Auto-Push:
  • Automating deployments for routine application updates or large-scale rollouts.
  • Reducing manual steps in the SCCM deployment process.

Untrack applications  

The option to exclude the application from the list of monitored applications is available under the Actions column > Untrack button: 


The option to exclude all applications from the list of monitored applications is available under the Untrack all applications button: 

Group 16.png


Apptimized notifies the user when the new package version is available. The following screen provides an example of the email notification: 


Apptimized notifies the user when the application package track request is resubmitted. The following screen provides an example of email notification:



Apptimized Care + is a fully configurable automated application lifecycle management and packaging service.

The "Care +" option appears in Updates after it is initiated in the project settings by the project manager. 

Apptimized shows the following screen when clicking Updates button:


The screen above shows the default Apptimized Portal interface when several applications are added. 

Care+ and Care groups data into six categories: 

Table 1. Care+ and Care data categories 




This category provides the details about the application’s vendor (e.g., Tim Kosse) 


This category provides the details about the application’s name (e.g., FileZilla) 

Latest version 

This category provides information about the newest version of the application released by the vendor and available in the Apptimized Platform. 


This category shows if Autopush function is active.

Your version 

This category provides information about the latest version of the application that is pinned within the recent user’s activities in the Care page. 

The following colors are implemented to indicate the current state of the monitored application: 

Green.png - The latest version is available in the user’s packaged application portfolio 

Orange.png - The newer version (in comparison to the one a user has in portfolio) has been released by the vendor 

Red.png - The version a user has in the packaged application portfolio is outdated. This means that there are two or more recent releases of the application provided by the vendor 


Note. The application version can be pinned in the following cases: 
1. A user started the application package monitoring (Project menu > Updates option > Track updates button > Select the application > Save button) 

2. A user requested to process the latest version of the application (Actions column > Process version packages section > Select the Windows bitness > Select PSADT or Intunewin package > Download package or Push to SCCM / Intune > Confirm update software > Yes button) 
3. A user changes the version of the application package (Actions column > Versions button > Process package column > Select the application’s version > Download package or Push to SCCM / Intune > Confirm update software > Yes button) 
4. A user changes the version of the application manually (Actions column > Edit button > Your version field > Enter the numeric value > Save button) 


This category provides information on whether the Care or Care+ service is enabled. 

The following options are available: 

  • Care - indicates that Care service is enabled;
  • Care+ - indicates that Care+ service is enabled;
  • -  indicates that none of the services are enabled. 


This category enables a user to provide the activities under the monitored applications. 

The following actions are available: 

  • Process version packages for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit 
  • Versions 
  • Edit 
  • Untrack 

New package request 

The option to track an application package and add it to the monitoring list is available under the Track application button > Select the best matching application > Save button. 


The application appears in the list of monitored applications when successful.

New application request 

The option to create a request to add an application to the Update monitoring list is available under the Missing an application? button. The Apptimized Team will check the possibility to add the application to the Update monitoring list. 


Apptimized shows the modal window when successful: 


Enter the value in the Vendor name field > Enter the value in the Software name field > Request button. All required fields are marked with an asterisk *.

Update the application’s version 

The option to update the application’s version is available under Actions >Versions: 

Versions Care+.png

Apptimized shows the following screen:


Editing Monitored Application Settings

The option to edit the application’s settings is available under Actions >Edit:


Table 2. Editing Settings



Your Version

This category provides information about the latest version of the application.

Send Notifications by Project Role or Group membership

This checkbox enables sending notifications.

Send Notifications to Specific Users

This option allows choosing specific users by providing their emails. 

Lifecycle Servicing Option

This option provides information on whether Care or Care+ service is enabled. 

Package type

This option indicates which packaging technology should be implemented by Apptimized specialists. 

Target platforms

This option indicates which packaging platform should be implemented by Apptimized specialists.

Packaging platform option is enabled by default. 


This option gives an opportunity to speed up the packaging process. Please clarify the deadlines with your project manager.


This option indicates the bitness of the created package. 

The following options available: 

  • x86 
  • x64 

This option is required. 

Both options enabled by default. 

Application Manager 

This option allows setting up default user assignee for managing application (downloading, editing, deploying, untracking). 


This field gives an opportunity to provide description to auto generated issues and suggestions.

Discovery Document 

This option allows uploading the discovery document of the application provided by the Apptimized team. 


This option allows defining events to control the frequency of update package delivery. 

The following triggers available:

  • Version-based
  • Time-based
  • Security release-based


Customizer is the next evolution of our Care product, allowing customers to apply custom settings ensuring every Care package meets their requirements. 

How to access Customizer 

To enable Customizer in a project, navigate to Project Settings and select the corresponding checkbox. 

Note: If the checkbox is not visible in the settings, contact the Apptimized support team or the designated contact person from Apptimized to request the necessary permissions. 

Customization settings overview 

All custom configurations are stored under the “Updates – Customization” and “Updates – Wrapper” sections in the project settings. These settings apply to all Care packages enabled within the project.  

The Customization tab contains the following settings: 


Table 1. Configuration settings 



Package Name 

Defines the naming convention for packages 

Detection method script template 

Specifies the script template used to verify successful installation and uninstallation during Intune deployment 

Disable auto-update functionality 

Enables or disables application auto-update functionality (if supported) 

Remove desktop shortcuts 

Removes desktop shortcuts or leaves them based on the vendor’s default behavior 

The Wrapper tab configures the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit (PSADT) template and includes the following settings: 


Table 2. Wrapper settings 



Deployment Mode 

Defines the package installation mode (Silent, Interactive, or Non-Interactive) 

Installation logs location 

Specifies the log file path for PSADT and package logs 

Branding location 

Configures the registry key path used for package branding 

Custom Logo 

Sets a custom logo for the PSADT installation window (preferred format: .ico, 64x64) 

Custom Banner 

Sets a custom banner for the PSADT installation window (preferred format: .png, 450x50) 


Processing customized packages 

Once at least one configuration is modified from its default value, Customizer becomes active for the project. When a new version of the application is released, customized packages will be generated alongside the default Care packages. 

If a user needs a customized package immediately instead of waiting for a new version release, they can navigate to the Updates menu and generate a customized package for the latest available version by clicking the “Create Customized Packages” button. 


Once customized packages are delivered, users can manage them via the Actions context menu under the “Process Customized Packages” section. 


By selecting a package, users can choose to: 

  • Download the package locally 

  • Push the package to a connected deployment system (Intune or SCCM) 

A screenshot of a boxDescription automatically generated 

Additionally, users can access all available package versions by clicking the “Versions” button 


This page lists both default Care and customized packages for all available versions. 


Email notifications 

Users receive an email notification when a customized package is delivered.  

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated 

In case a default Care application was reworked, users are notified that regenerating the customized package may be necessary if the mentioned in email reason affects its functionality 

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated