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Prerequisites and firewall rules

The following prerequisites apply for Apptimized Platform: 

1. Browsers:  

  • Google Chrome with version 75.0 and above  
  • Mozilla Firefox with version 60.0 and above  
  • Apple Safari with version 12.0 and above  
  • Microsoft Edge with version 83 and above 

2. Enabled Java-script in browser

3. Endpoint PC or VM with access to the 80 and 443 port of host

4. Firewall white list:  


Description  Address for access to Apptimized Portal 

Address for working with RDP connections in Apptimized Portal 

Granting permissions to communicate via WebSocket SSL protocol is needed

Address for single sign-on

Address for manage organization configurations
Address for download files from Apptimized Portal  Address for screenshots storage 

Address for Apptimized user documentation 


Address for access to support chat widget 


Address for Apptimized Portal virtualization service. 
Granting privileges on wildcards subdomains is needed. 

Granting permissions to connect via RDP protocol is needed 

The standard account credentials for Apptimized Platform on Apptimized VMs are: 

Login Password
apptimized apptimized
administrator apptimized


Requirements and limitations for Apptimized Whitelabeling

The following requirements need to be met for custom domain Whitelabeling configuration:

Component Description
CNAME Record created with customer's DNS provider using the following configuration:

CNAME %subdomain%.%customerdomain%.%TLD% =

Example: CNAME =
TXT Record created with customer's DNS provider using the following configuration:

TXT = verification code = %customerdomain%.%TLD%

Example: TXT=7D86E8C065D4002DA1DC8E74C921D1EDAFA =
SSL certificate Certificate in a form of PFX file + password combined into a PWD file. 
Domain address Address for custom Apptimized Portal whitelabeling.
DNS host Name of Domain Name Server host.
Domain for mail sending Address for email sending configuration.

The prerequisites need to be provided to Apptimized staff or delivery managers in order to proceed with the configurational process.


Requirements and limitations for Apptimized Connectors

SCCM Connector

The following prerequisites apply for SCCM connector: 

  • Endpoint PC or VM with access to the 443 port of host; 
  • Endpoint membership in Active Directory domain; 
  • Microsoft Windows Desktop (Windows 7 and above) or Server OS (Windows Server 2012 R2 and above) with installed .NET Framework 4.6.1; 
  • Write permissions for network share with packages source media for automatic media transfer; 
  • Administrator role for SCCM or permissions to create applications, deployment types, and deployments; 
  • Installed SCCM Administrator Console with a connection to the SCCM server.
Intune Connector

The following prerequisites apply for Intune connector: 

  • Microsoft Azure account with the active subscription; 
  • Application administrator, Application developer, Cloud application administrator roles or permissions to manage applications in Azure Active Directory; 
  • Access to Azure Active Directory tenant.
ServiceNow Connector

The following prerequisites apply for ServiceNow connector: 

  • ServiceNow instance; 
  • System administrator role for ServiceNow or permissions to create tables & web service configuration; 
Azure VDI Connector
  • Standard Microsoft Azure public cloud with subscription and tenant. 
  • Access to standard Microsoft Azure Virtual machines (not WVD). 
  • Access to Azure Active Directory tenant. 
Apptimized TO GO Connector

The following prerequisites apply for Apptimized TO GO connector: 

  1. Speed of internet connections – min 50 Mb/s.
  2. Enabled firewall white list:

    Component Description

    Address for access to Apptimized Portal

    Address for working with RDP connections in Apptimized Portal

    Address for working with DRP connections in Apptimized Portal via proxy Address for screenshots storage Address for single sign-on 

    Address for Apptimized Portal virtualization service. 
    Granting privileges on wildcards subdomains is needed. 

    Granting permissions to connect via RDP protocol is needed 


    Address for access to support chat widget 

  3. Endpoint PC or VM with access to the 443 port of host;
  4. Microsoft Windows Desktop (Windows 7 and above) or Server OS (Windows Server 2012 R2 and above) with installed .NET Framework 4.6.1;
  5. Windows 7: Fallback via HTTPS - downloading files from Apptimized Portal to the temp folder on the C drive of the TO GO machine & mounting the folder as a Network drive;
  6. Windows 10: SMB 3+ presence - mounting Apptimized Portal as Network drive; if SMB 3+ is not present, see Windows 7 scenario above.