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IntuneWin Bulk Conversion

IntuneWin Bulk Conversion feature allows users to migrate their SCCM packages to intunewin format using an automated tool.

Apptimized sends the follow-up email when the user has accessed the IntuneWin Bulk Conversion feature


Trial Project Overview

Apptimized shows the first project filled with the top 10 most wanted applications:

A user can now process converting these applications to IntuneWin format or can give it a try and upload his own packages for a conversion.  

image 2.png

The project is already configured to work with the conversion with the predefined settings.

To check the conversion settings, the user should go to Administration > Settings > Bulk Conversions > IntuneWin 


This page shows all the configurations applied to all newly created conversion in the project.

image 3.png

Table 1. IntuneWin Bulk Conversion Settings



[PackageName] placeholder value

This option shows a construction of the PackageName that will be applied to the result package

Name of result archive

This option provides a result package archive name template

Detection method script template 

This option shows a PowerShell script template which will be used to check if the package is installed or uninstalled

Path to store .intunewin file 

This option shows the Intunewin file location in the result package structure

Path to store detection method file 

This option shows a detection method file location in the result package structure

Path to store txt file with deployment commands 

This option provides information about txt file with deployment commands location in the result package structure

Path to store extracted content of .intunewin file 

This option shows the Intunewin package extracted content location in the result package structure

Key file to detect the package location 

This option shows the file name in the source archive that points to the level where the package is located (e.g. Deploy-Application.exe for PSADT packages)

An entry point file for Intune wrapping 

This option provides a file name used for intunewin conversion as an entry point (usually, it's an installation file without arguments)

Install commands

This option provides the installation file name with arguments

Uninstall commands 

This option provides the uninstallation file name with arguments

Responsible people to receive notifications 

This field gives information about people who will receive an email notification if the conversion for the particular application fails 

Testing image 

This option allows choosing the image that will be used for testing incoming packages

Skip incoming packages testing 

If this option is enabled, the applications will be converted without incoming packages testing

Bulk Conversion Creation

To create the first Bulk Conversion a user should go to Bulk conversions > IntuneWin.


The following screen will be displayed:


On this page all Bulk Conversions a user creates will be displayed.

The "Create Bulk Conversion" button should be pressed to proceed.

A user has to enter a name of a conversion in the following field:


Selecting applications for converting to the .intunewin format is available in the next window:


The maximum application count per conversion is 200. If the count is more than 200, the first 200 will be processed.

There is also a possibility to overwrite bulk conversion settings to apply changes only for the current conversion using the “Settings tab”.

image 9.png

When the bulk conversion configuration is finished, the user can click on “Create” button to save the changes and run conversion later or “Run now” button to start conversion immediately.

image 10.png

Bulk Conversion Processing

A newly created bulk conversion is listed on the page with the “In progress” status.

image 11.png

A user can click on the “View” action button to review the bulk conversion details.

image 12.png

The list contains every application that is part of the conversion. Applications are currently in the "Pending" stage, which indicates they are being queued up for processing.

image 13.png